Lesson 8 main idea mae c. jeminson a true space pioneer
Lesson 8 main idea mae c. jeminson a true space pioneer

Harper, New YorkĬhyka PA, Chyka P, Banner W (1999) The history of poisoning in the future. Büchner Verlag, Darmstadtīarad J, Robertson E (2000) The ethics of Star Trek.

lesson 8 main idea mae c. jeminson a true space pioneer

Stoppe S (2014) Unterwegs zu neuen Welten: Star Trek als politische Utopie. Gonzalez GA (2015) The politics of Star Trek: justice, war, and the future. Pocket Books, New YorkĬhaires RH, Chilton B (eds) (2003) Star Trek visions of law and justice. Sternbach R, Okuda M (1991) Star Trek: the next generation: technical manual. Star Trek provides many opportunities to study the interactions between science, research and popular culture. The chapter also explains how NASA teamed up with some of the actors from Star Trek in order to engage with various audiences, and even to recruit young astronauts. For instance, in early 2017, the Qualcomm Tricorder XPrize competition awarded more than $10 million in prizes to teams that attempted to make real-world, non-invasive, diagnostic devices inspired by the Star Trek tricorder. Star Trek technology was also used as reference point to ignite innovation.

lesson 8 main idea mae c. jeminson a true space pioneer

This contribution investigates how various researchers, scientists and research institutions have referred to Star Trek in their work and how ideas and particular aspects and technologies of the Star Trek universe have been used in public science communication.

lesson 8 main idea mae c. jeminson a true space pioneer

There have been numerous interesting and fruitful interactions between the real world of science and research and Star Trek’s fictional world. Its imagery, style and ideas have inspired and motivated many scientists, researchers and inventors. Star Trek has been popular not only with various international audiences in fact, it has become a sort of icon of popular culture.

Lesson 8 main idea mae c. jeminson a true space pioneer